Analytics & Reporting Services Near Me

Measures of Success

Monitoring performance, establishing measures of success and regular reporting is essential to not only track what works, but also to learn from things that don’t.

Whether you’re a marketing or web development client, at Hot Dog Solutions, it’s all about the numbers.

At the beginning of every project, we sit down and agree measures of success. As part of our onboarding process, we build for you a personalised dashboard that you can access whenever you like; or alternatively, we will update your documents / your weekly KPIs so you can have our reporting within one “mega” reporting document.

We work in both ways for clients.

Weekly Reporting And Communication

Every week, you will receive an update on the performance of your marketing activities, sent across by your account manager. This will range from a few pages, with an email summary to an entire marketing pack, depending on how much we do for you.


Looking for support with Google Analytics? We can provide you with a crash course on how to get the most out of your GA account; or give you personalised training based on what you would like to focus on.